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Buying a Research Microtome: Why Quality Matters in Research Microtomy

Reliable and precise microtomes are designed to provide high-quality sections and enhanced efficiency while maintaining a safe and healthy workplace. Read more in this research microtome buying guide.

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How to Write a Grant Proposal

Grant writing is a critical part of an investigator’s portfolio. It is a process by which a grant writer requests funding to test/study a novel idea to advance human health. Read this helpful resource for tips and tricks on how to write a grant proposal.

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4 Tips for Buying a Microtome

What should you look for when purchasing a microtome? Here, we offer 4 tips that will help you through the process.

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Top Considerations When Buying a Digital Pathology Scanner

Are you thinking about purchasing a digital pathology scanner? We offer some tips for things to consider during the buying process.

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Tips for Choosing an Embedder

When choosing an embedder, three areas should be considered to maximize your purchase: Simple Operation, Smooth Workflow and Precise Control.

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Tips & Tricks to Multiplexing: How to Choose Chromogen Colors for Multiplex and Detection Systems for Multiplex Assays

Learn more about multiplexing and explore these educational videos and infographics to understand how to choose chromogen colors for multiplex, as well as the different detection systems available for multiplex assays.

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Histology Tips & Tricks: Questions And Answers, Part 2

Following our 2-part webinar series of Tips & Tricks to Better Histology, questions about histology-related issues were received from customers and answered by Leica Biosystems.

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Tips & Tricks to Multiplexing: Top 5 Reasons to Multiplex and Chromogenic versus Immunofluorescent Detection

Multiplexing is an important tool for simultaneous detection of multiple markers within a single tissue section. 

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